Jolt Polywire helps fatten the lambs!

Jolt Polywire helps fatten the lambs!

Baystock is a large farming operation in Hawkes Bay dedicated to lamb finishing. There are two hill county blocks used for breeding and finishing, and the farm is very progressive, with modern farming practices. Annually, Baystock is fattening about 80,000 lambs.

Baystock Director, Jim has been ordering 2mm Jolt Polywire since 2021 when it was first imported from Europe and added to the Jolt product range. The wire is supplied ready to spool onto fencing reels and is ideal for rotational grazing or short-term animal control.

Jim had heavily-researched the different Polywire options on the market and found Jolt’s offering to be cheaper when ordering by the pallet. Now in his third year of using it, he adds; “we get on alright with the Polywire. It’s fairly straightforward to use  and its holding up well so far.” 

He did add that when they run the wire off for the first time they have to be careful to unroll it straight so the wire doesn’t drop off the side of the roll and jam on the axle of the winder. Otherwise, this lightweight portable fencing wire has a high conductivity rating and is proving to be unbreakable when put under tension.

Jim appreciates the service he gets from the Jolt team. He finds the bulk-buy discounts a smarter way to shop. While based in Hawkes Bay, he is not put off by placing an order over the phone because he knows the turn-around time is excellent. By ordering in bulk he’s not facing multiple freight charges.

For other large-scale farmers considering electric fencing, Polywire is a smart choice and Baystock intend to use it into the future.

A recap on the features of Jolt Polywire 2mm:

  • Breaking strength 70kg
  • 2mm x 500m Roll.
  • Lightweight, portable electric fence wire.
  • Excellent for rotational grazing or short-term animal control.
  • High conductivity rating
  • Tough under tension
  • Ready to spool onto fencing reels 
  • 6 Strand Stainless Steel Polywire
  • Exceptional European quality

For further advice on the best reels and rods to partner with our Jolt Polywire, contact us today.

Jolt Fencing – wired for success.

Jolt Fibreglass Rods - Best Value by a Country Mile!